What a week...
Drama on the home front! Last night the police crashed a party down the street and one of the drunk party-goers decided it would be a good idea to jump our backyard fence to try and out-run the cops. Well, he jumped right into our pond. We didn't witness the incident first hand, but from the looks of our pond he either jumped on the waterfall and fell into the pond, breaking a pond light on the way out, or he jumped into the pond and knocked down the waterfall when he pulled himself out. Either way he wrecked the pond and now it has a big leak in it. He also bent the fence.
Repairing a pond: $1200
Replacing a broken light: $40
Mending a bent fence: $45
Having to pay restitution because you got your dumb-ass drunk and fell into a pond at 3am...priceless.
Here's whats left of what used to be our waterfall...

And here are the
koi in our 55 gallon - the pond was loosing water fast so we had to find a new home for them. This fish from our 55 gallon are now living in our 10 gallon hospital tank.

And that's only half the news! We also got another $900 bill from Fairview on Saturday (add that to the $2600 I already paid and the $1200 bill sitting on the counter) and another $113 one today. They can kiss my rear. What good is insurance for if they don't pay for anything?
And we also got a new roof on the garage and the house. Baxter (the cat) waaaay freaked out with all the pounding. He slunk around the house all day, scared. The roofing sub-contractors did a horrible job on our roof. I am scared for what the siding is going to looks like.
All in all, last week sucked. But enough complaining! On a good note, my Grandma and Grandpa
Hellmuth stopped by on their way to the North Shore from Missouri. Jeremy and Evan hadn't met them yet so it was a nice

And finally! A picture of Evan and his Grandpa Nelson! Every time we took a picture it turned out too dark -
here's a good one!