Well, we now know why we are so sick. Thanks to a few concerned co-workers of mine we now know that the reason we keep getting the "flu" is because it isn't the "flu" at all. It’s carbon monoxide poisoning. (Well, I still think we all had the flu, but I don't think this helped us get better.) After gentle urging from two friends (thanks Carol and Gina!) I called Xcel this afternoon and they sent someone over to test our house. Apparently we have leaks coming from our oven and from the furnace piping leading outside.
What NEXT!? (God, if you’re reading this please don't answer that.) We just replaced the water heater two weeks ago in the basement because that was apparently leaking CO also, so now we have two more issues to deal with. Bruce was nice enough to come over and stuff some insulation in the holes in the wall to plug the leaks. Hopefully that works. The man from Xcel said we could just turn our stove vent on whenever we are cooking something and that should help with the leaky range for now. I am calling Excel back tomorrow to see if they can come re-check and make sure the furnace piping is not leaking anymore. We got a red WARNING ticket and were told that if it weren't winter that Xcel would have had to shut off our gas completely until we proved we fixed the problem. Yikes!
We probably should have known better - CO poisoning is known to cause confusion, memory problems, and ... what was I talking about? Well, anyway, now we know why all of our animals are so dumb - the kitty litter box is in the basement. Poor Rico. As if he didn't have enough problems when we got him from the shelter! (I have to laugh about this or I'll cry.) And you know what? Our carbon monoxide detectors never even went off! Now I feel super guilty about complaining that Evan is so fussy ALL the time - maybe he has had a constant headache all winter long from the CO gas... what awful parents we are!
So, if you have a moment to wish us some luck (or to loan us some money - ha ha, just kidding) please do!