Friday, August 3, 2007

Some more pictures of Evan!

My first picture! I'm only 20 minutes old. Dr. Deck just handed me over to daddy. Mommy was downstairs getting fixed up so I had to wait a while to see her.
My first bath - 15 hours old! Mommy was a little woozy, so the nurse did it instead. And I didn't like it very much.

I love my fist! Now mom knows why I had the hiccups all the time in her tummy... (Saturday)
I like to power lounge with my arms above my head. (Saturday)

Me and mom - Day One, 12 hours old (Saturday morning.) She looks a lot better in this picture than she did the night before...

Grandma Novek and me - 2 days old and my first day home!

Daddy and me - 2 Days old (my first day home.) I like to pull out his chest hair! Daddy lets me 'cuz I'm cute.
Sound Asleep - 3 Days Old
Power Lounging - 4 days old

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