Saturday, February 9, 2008

Here is a short video of Evan "talking." His new phrases are "Ba-ba-ba-ba" and "Um-um-um-um." He also like to get your attention by shouting "Hey!" at you (or the cats, or the dog, really whoever is walking by at the moment...) In this video he "talks" for a few seconds, yells at me, and then laughs. A little of everything all rolled into one. I have some more great video of him from this past week, but the camera battery died when I tried to upload it (and as usual I can't find the AC adaptor) so it will have to wait.

For those of you that are wondering, we temporarily fixed the CO problem in the basement. The permanent fix will have to wait until spring when the ground thaws. I called the clinic but they told me that even if Evan did have CO poisoning there was nothing they can do, so there was no point in bringing him in (they were very reassuring to a concerned mother, let me tell, not really.)

Anyway, Evan is calling for me, so I will have to post more later. Happy Saturday and yay for -40 below zero. Gotta love that Minnesota wind chill.

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