Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Is that...parsley?

Yes. It is. And its also a photo of five caterpillars! Can you find all five? They look like this:

I came home today and happen to notice my parsley plant looked a little "funny." I snapped a few photos of these little fellas and went in to look them up on the Internet (isn't technology fun?) Turns out they are "Swallowtail" Caterpillars, eat parsley and dill, and grow up to look like this:
You may begin your "oooh, ahhhh" noises now.

This past Sunday we visited the Renaissance Festival in Shakopee with a few friends. We had a great time and ate some great food.
Evan peeking through the fence at the festival (and Katie in the background.) Like most of us, Katie tries to avoid photos at all costs, but I GOT HER!

Noah suiting up for some high-flying action! What a brave little man - it was like reverse bungee jumping on a trampoline. I'm not sure what it was actually called, all I know is that is cost Noah $5, but you couldn't pay me $500 to do it...

Noah mid-flip.

Waaaaay up there!

And some more photos from last week:
Evan "riding" Jeremy's tool box. I think he thought it had wheels like his tractor does.


Evan is a climber.

He climbs on everything! We try not to encourage it, but I have to admit, sometimes I am impressed. Disclaimer: No Evans were harmed in the taking of this photo. Seriously, normally I would grab him right away instead of snapping a photo, but the camera was right there and this is such a common occurrence I thought we needed at least one snapshot for the baby book.


erica said...

Ha-larious!!!! LOVE the climbing photo with the attached disclaimer! :) hee hee. So great.

erica said...

SO glad you liked the pumpkin latte! :) We might have to get one together sometime. Looking forward to Tuesday evening!!!