Friday, October 10, 2008

If a tree falls in the woods...

I woke up this morning, opened the blinds, let the dog out, watched the news on the couch (three feet from the patio door)...and only when Jeremy got up and said "What happened to the tree?" did I notice that a tree had fallen down in our backyard overnight! It doesn't look that big from the picture, but in real life, I assure you - it was shocking. Well, maybe not shocking, but it was big. We were lucky it missed our fence. By the time I got home from work our neighbor, Reggie, who owns the tree, had already chopped it up into little bits for firewood. he was nice enough to share it with us - anyone in the mood for a campfire?

Ahh, bath time. We loooove to splash!!!
Where's the mop..?
"Take a look at this rad slinky I got from my Uncle Kelby."
"And take a look at these neck rolls I got goin' on."
Uh-oh - pouty face!
Evan busy shoving pieces of apple up his pants legs. Honestly - who would even think of doing that? He comes up with the funniest games...

Okay, so the following photos are not for the feint of heart. Once again (for the Grandmas especially) we do not condone this behavior. We intervene whenever necessary (which is always) and are very careful not to encourage our little monkey-child. What can I say? He likes to climb...

He figured this one out yesterday. Today he figured out how to climb on top of the coffee table without turning over the baskets/standing on his push toys. Yikes. What are we going to do? Trade in our house for a padded white room? What are we going to do once winter comes and we are snowed in!?!?!

And, of course, our blog would not be complete without the random animal photo. Check out how massive Rico looks laying here next to our 36 pound beagle! He was using Jonas' leg for a pillow.

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