Thursday, June 4, 2009

Poor neglected blog...its been too darn nice out!

Hi! first popsicle!

Did I mention we got a new pool boy? He likes to skim the pool in his birthday suit but none of the neighbors have complained yet.

Well, he certainly doesn't get them from ME!

Ha! I caught you green-handed! If you've talked to me lately, you know we are becoming exasperated by Evan eating everything he finds. This time is was a green Crayola marker. Thank goodness they are non-toxic...I thought this stage was supposed to end around 18 months!?!

Show me those pearly whites, er...greens.

Who's bright idea was it to build a front porch? Oh yeah, mine. Poor Jeremy - it took 3 hours with a (insert name of machinery Jeremy is holding here) to break apart this one concrete step. It was ridiculously hard! Stay tuned for future updates about this project - it may take us all summer!

1 comment:

Darren, Jennie, Brynn, and Cara said...

If it's possible, Evan gets a little cuter every time I see him. The ones of him and the green marker are priceless!