Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Grandpa Nelson and Auntie Karla came over to visit this past weekend. Evan is finally old enough to sit still and take a decent picture! He still doesn't like to smile at the camera much, but he will at least give you a few seconds to snap the photo before he moves!

Its been beautiful out, and we have sure been taking advantage of the nice weather! We have been to a park almost every night for the last week and a half. Baypoint has been flooded, but it is still open...

...unlike Colvill Park. This is our favorite place to play, and it is now underwater. It will probably be a few weeks before it reopens. This photo is from last Monday, the last say it was open before the shut it down for high water. You can see the very top of the levee by the back treeline on the left.
Beth taking the boys for a spin.

Becky and Evan busy building things. Evan LOVES Becky and wants to call her all the time on the phone. "I'm calling MY friend Becky so she can come over and play with me" he tells me...what a funny guy!
Oh, and for the record, we are in the midst of our first week of potty training! That's right - the Thomas the Train underoos that I bought four months ago have finally won over the heart of our two-year-old train fanatic. Last Thursday was our first official day, and Evan used the potty and went without an accident from 2:00-8:30pm. He has since peed on his shoes twice (once in the middle of Menards) and we have had at least one accident each day, but he seems to be getting that hang of it. I am so proud of him! Let's hope his interest in "big boy unduh-weers" lasts!

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