Friday, August 13, 2010

Evan goes to camp!

Today was Evan's last day at the YMCA's "Wee Backpackers" Day Camp. Since Evan has never been to daycare and will be attending Montessori in the Fall, I've been jokingly referring to it as "Preschool Boot Camp." It has been anything but - Evan had a great time! Throughout the week Evan learned songs, played games, drew in his Nature Journal and had lots of fun with his camp counselors and fellow campers.

The "Me Flower" craft that Evan made for me.
Evan and his "Wee Backpacker" buddies singing "I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee." Anyone else remember that one? I can't wait until he's old enough for Camp Pepin! I can still remember most of the songs.

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