Saturday, September 11, 2010

A colorful day!

I took a vacation day yesterday and thought it would be fun to begin the morning with a craft project. We had some stale noodles in the cupboard that I thought would make fantastic painted "beads" for a necklace. Evan concentrated hard while he painted! Watch out for that'll see more of that later. All finished! Evan was very proud that he strung the beads himself.
And, of course, Jonas also wanted a turn at modeling our new jewelry. (Well, not really, but Evan made him do it.)

3...2...1...Blastoff! Aren't airplane rides just the best? Spread your wings...vrooooommm!
Later in the day we took a trip to the Science Museum of MN. I would have had lots of awesome photos to post on this blog...but I forgot my camera in the car.
After spending the morning mixing paints together and the afternon at the Science Museum, Evan developed an interest in colors. I thought it would be fun to have a mini Color Theory lesson in the bathtub.
I gave Evan three small bowls of water with food coloring in the primary colors - red, blue, and yellow. Then we experimented by mixing them together and making other colors - green, purple, and orange. (There's that concentration tongue again!)(And again!) Then it was a free-for-all! Of course, Evan ended up mixing them all together (who could resist!?) and made a greenish brown. He had so much fun that we emptied out the bowls and did it again!

Oh, and Happy 4th Anniversary to my sweetheart, Jeremy. Jeremy surprised me by hand delivering some flowers to my work. Unfortunately, I was in a meeting and missed him. When I called home to thank him Evan told me "Daddy is cooking you dinner tonight! And we bought you wine and you get to go to a movie!" Jeremy had taken the night off of work to surprise me, but Evan spilled the beans! The next morning when we got up Evan asked, "Mom, you and Dad got married yesterday? And you went to a scary movie?"
Me: "Yep, kind of."
Evan: "Oh, that's cool."

1 comment:

a&e said...

Em - you are SUCH a good mom! I'm going to have to try your creative activities sometime! :). Happy Anniversary - Elsie has ruined our surprises for each other too - at least it's funny when they don't know better!! Have a great weekend enjoying the weather.