Monday, January 19, 2009

Evan's new thing this week has been to "type" at the computer desk. He climbs up into the chair, pulls out the drawer and gets to work. At least he quit throwing the mouse down the basement stairs through the cat door...
Evan's first masterpiece on the computer.

And here we can see Evan's very first goose-egg. He was playing with Daddy on Saturday night and fell into the side of the hope chest. Poor baby! He only cried for a minute or two, but Mommy was worried. We checked him for a concussion and made him sit with a frozen bag of peas for a while. Evan was more upset that we made him sit with an icepack than he was about bumping his head! He hates to sit still even for a moment.

Here is a video of Evan rattling off some words. He has quite the vocabulary now, but no sentences yet. Here are a few of his favorite things: Daddy, Nanas (bananas) and Bubbles.


Annie, Derek & Emma said...

cute, he looks so grown up! by the way, cute monkey shirt!;)

The Eckhoffs said...

Ouch!!!! Poor thing look at that goose egg. I think it happens to all boys. When it happened a couple of months ago to Peyton I had to wake him up every couple of hours to make sure he was ok- he was fine. Just a new mom thing I think:)