Monday, February 1, 2010

Budding Artist

Time to break out the Mommy Brag Book -- Evan drew his first person with a head, arms and legs! Up to this point his "people" have all consisted of a circle with two eyes - but on Sunday he drew the above picture of "Daddy" complete with a head, two eyes, a mouth, two arms (both on the right side) and four legs (maybe he wanted him to be extra fast)!!! My little budding artist in the making.

Ice fishing at Pottery Pond

The Red Wing Rotary Club had a Kid's Ice Fishing Contest this past Saturday. Although I'm not a big fan of ice...or fishing, I am in Rotary and volunteered to help out. Jeremy brought Evan out for the last hour and a half. Although we didn't catch any fish, Evan had a good time - especially after DJ showed up! Eating a fish cookie. We made many treacherous trips across the frozen lake for more hot chocolate and cookies that day.
Watching for fish.
The only fish we "caught" that day was a tiny minnow (someone's leftover bait) that had frozen to the ground. Evan was pretty excited and insisted that we take it home. (We didn't.)