Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sorry the updates haven't been coming as easily lately - I (Emily) received a temporary promotion at work (which is great) except that I still have to get my old job done as well as my new job. I am really enjoying this new opportunity but I haven't had much time to spend with my wonderful family lately. Hopefully things will calm down soon and I won't miss too much during the next three months.

We have hit some milestones this month - Evan's first dentist visit, for one. He did an amazing job for the dentist and even let the hygienist floss his teeth! (Evan will do almost anything for a sticker.) His teeth all looked great, but he will most likely need braces when he gets older to fix his bite. Guess we better start saving!

As for Evan's talking - I think we have a runner-up for the title of "Jabbermouth" in our household. I used to have this title in the bag, but Evan is giving me a run for my money lately. He is speaking in full sentences and his pronunciation has improved a lot over the past few weeks. My current favorite exclamation of his is "Oh, man!" which he picked up from his pal Dora.

As are the rest of us, Evan has been bedazzled by all of the Christmas lights and decorations everywhere we go (and its not even Thanksgiving yet!) I am so excite for Santa to come this year I can hardly contain myself. This year is going to be fun...we are getting Evan a big box of bubble wrap. He has never attached himself to a blankie, nuk, or lovie - but he LOVES bubble
wrap. He sleeps with a piece of it at night and during nap times. I'm not really sure what this means psychologically speaking, but I have to admit I find it pretty funny.


Evan decided that his hair needed brushing tonight. For any of you that have seen his hair, you know that it is fairly when as he brushed it it got bigger...
and bigger...
and bigger!
And this photo brings me back...since Evan was barely a week old one of his favorite things has been to be tossed in the air by his daddy. Weighing in at 34 pounds, I wonder how Jeremy can still do this - what you can't see here is the HUGE smile on Evan's face (obscured by his sleeve) and the "I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe" giggles that Evan breaks into every time Jeremy does this.

1 comment:

The Eckhoffs said...

That is some awesome hair!