Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter! 04.04.10

The Easter Bunny arrived early at our house...unfortunately, the Easter Bunny's assistant forgot Jonas in the backyard when she went to get Evan up to go search for eggs. Jonas found a few on his own before we got out. I guess he wanted to join in on all of the fun!Bubbles! A flashlight! Shark stickers! A steamroller! Playdough! Goldfish crackers! SCORE!

A short video of the egg hunt

Easter at Great-Grandma Nelson's. One word: delicious!Evan carried around this flag and told everyone "I'm a WINNER!" You sure are kiddo!The yummy bunny cake from Great-Grandma. In the afternoon we went to Grandma and Grandpa Novek's for some more Easter fun. Another egg hunt, more delicious food, and more sunshine!Show us those pearly whites, Bear! Evan LOVES Bear, and he loves that Bear will actually play fetch with him, unlike Jonas who would rather sunbathe.It was a perfect day - the weather was beautiful and warm, and it was just breezy enough for us to get in a little kite flying.

...and, Rex got a new toy! He was nice enough to let Jeremy take Evan for a spin. I wasn't sure if he liked it, but after his first ride he yelled after Jeremy "Daddy! Wait for me! I want to go again!" Now I'll have TWO boys asking for expensive new toys.

What a great day.

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