Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Happy Birthday and Happy Father's Day Jeremy!

A little late on the post...but late is better than never, right? Normally I get Jeremy a DQ ice cream cake for his birthday every year, but this year I forgot. So Jeremy went down to DQ and ordered himself a cake - "Happy Birthday to Me!" We spent his birthday/Father's Day our on the boat at our usual "beach." Turtle Beach, as we now call it, because while we were down there the waves unearthed about 4 dozen turtle eggs. Evan had fun reburying them in the sand. I'm guessing the poor little guys won't make it, but we gave it our best effort anyway.
Jeremy's Birthday fish.The day before we celebrated Father's Day at Rex and Barb's. Evan was super excited to go four wheeling with Grandpa Rex!Now we've started something...Evan is constantly asking for tattoos (a.k.a. Crayola marker drawings on his arms.) So I gave him a fire-breathing dragon tattoo per his request......and Jeremy got the same. (Plus one that said "My Wife is Awesome" as you can see below.) But that obviously wasn't enough for Evan, who continued to "ink" his Dad until he was completely covered in tattoos. Dad is such a good sport!

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