Monday, August 3, 2009

A very busy weekend!

This weekend went by really fast thanks to River City Days and lots of fun events. Saturday morning, while Jeremy cleaned out the garage (our first fun task for the day), Evan used up the remaining pudding paint that I made the day before. Not much ended up on the paper - he ate most of it.

Later that day we had a picnic at Colvill park - the same place Jeremy and I were married almost three years ago. (Time flies...when you have a two-year old!) We took a wedding photo on top of this castle, and so I thought it would be neat to get a photo of Jeremy and Evan on top. Things sure change in a few short years, don't they!?

Daddy is such a good sport.

Swinging in the sunset. After dusk we went to Baypoint Park to watch a movie on the blow-up drive-in screen. It was neat, but Evan decided he would rather go listen to the live band that was playing under the tent. We dance for a while and ended the night "early" at about 10:30. Yikes - good thing River City Days is only once a year!

On Sunday we walked down to the Rotary River City Days Parade. Since I'm a Rotarian, I had to Marshall - but I was lucky and got a block with mostly shade, so the boys joined me at my post. Evan waved and said "hi" to EVERYONE that went past. It was so cute! He got extra candy from everyone for his cuteness. He was full of sticky sucker juice by the time we left the parade.
The Winona Steam Calliope.
After we got home from the Parade, Grandma and Grandpa Irvin took us all out on their boat for a trip to the beach, fire-roasted hot dogs and eagle watching. At one point we saw seven eagles at once - two moms and five young'ns. It was amazing.

What a great weekend. We are all exhausted, but it was well worth it.

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