Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wow - it's been over a month since our last post! We have had a busy household the past few weeks. We have been many places and seen lots of things...and forgotten the camera (or the battery) for most of them. This past weekend Papa came up from California to visit. We all went to the zoo and Evan had a chance to spend some time with his Uncle Alex and show off his swimming skills. The animals at the zoo must all have spring fever - just like us! - they were all out and about on Sunday!The touch tank.
Jeremy reaching for an anemone.
Evan at the Tiger Research Station." "Riding horsey" at the hotel pool.
...and Evan wearing Grandpa's hat. Evan has such a sense of humor. He is constantly telling me "I'm just joking, Momma. Its a joke." He loves to make everyone laugh, either by putting on a funny hat or by his acts of physical comedy that I have yet to catch on video. What a fun little man he is growing up to be!
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A rare moment where we are both looking at the camera! Evan has just begun to "pose" for pictures - where he actually smiles and puts his arm around you. Its great! Who said two's are terrible? I'm loving it! Plus - this is the age of communication. Evan is just like his Momma - he never stops talking! He tells me long stories, sings "his songs" in the car, and will strike up a conversation with just about any stranger or child he sees. What a great kid.

1 comment:

The Eckhoffs said...

Great pios Emily. We haven't seen Evan in so long. He is such an adorable little man.