Saturday, February 23, 2008

Yummmm....PEAS! I love any food you put in front of my mouth. My favorite is avocado but I also like apples, pears, carrots, green beans, bananas, squash, prunes and sweet potatoes. I stole a few broccoli sprouts out of mom's sandwich today while she was trying to eat. I ate them before she could yank them away. Nummy.
Feed me FASTER! For anyone who has been at our house during dinner time for Evan, I'm sure you've heard the frustrated "grunting" that goes along with this face. He gets pretty impatient if you take too long loading up his spoon.

He he he - I made a mess!

After dinner comes the bath! We like to make a mess with our food, so a bath afterwards is now part of the regular routine. If you look closely you can see my two front teeth!


Grrr...I like to chew on plastic. This face also comes equipped with its own noise. It sounds like Jonas when he's growling.

And last but not least - me and my rubber ducky. Wait - don't we already have a bath photo like this posted? Yep. We do, but Mom thinks its cute enough to post another one.

Goodnight, all. Evan didn't sleep well again last night, and consequently neither did I. The little monster, I mean, "munchkin" is in bed, so I am off to read a book before I fall asl... "zzzzzzzz..."

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